Category: News

Playing in Japan in October!

We’re currently off to Japan to promote our new CD.  Our first performance is in Kobe on the 22nd. If you can’t make one of our July Japanese shows, you’re in luck! We’ll be back in Japan in October to play at the Cotton Club in Tokyo on October 3rd for two shows.  Tickets go…
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NPR Covering Newport Jazz Festival

We wanted to let our fans know about NPR’s coverage of the Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode Island next month.  It’s so important to support regional festivals to help bring jazz to new audiences.  NPR plans on live streaming and more during the festival.  WGBH is also covering the festival, but it’s fantastic that it’s…
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An Update to the WBGH Program Changes and Technical Glitches

You may have noticed that there wasn’t a post or newsletter yesterday.  We had a few glitches including a downed server and some formatting issues that prevented both from going out.  Which is unfortunate since we wanted to share the jazz funeral event planned in protest to WGBH’s program changes.  That event was last night,…
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