Going Deeper
Do you ever get the urge to go deeper, and learn more about music? There are lots of great resources out there, but one of the simplest ways to get started is to log on to the Boston Public Library’s website to access their electronic resources. You’ll need a library card, but anyone who lives or goes to school in Massachusetts can get one online. If you are outside the state, investigate the nearest high-quality library near you.
If you just want to listen, Music Online: Jazz Music Library has the largest collection of jazz streaming available online. It’s mostly public domain works from 1924 to the present and labels that have a special arrangement with the publisher, so no, you won’t find Yoko Miwa or the Trio on there, but with over 10,000 albums, we’re willing to be you will find something to listen to.
Alternatively, from a mobile device you can use Overdrive Music, which lets you check out certain albums and collections electronically (they have audiobooks and ebooks too!). After the lending period is up, they will expire on your device, but if you check them out again, most books will “remember” where you were in your listening.
If you play, Music Online: Classical Scores Library is not just for classical music. It features all kinds of gems in all kinds of genres. For example, here’s a book of simple Christmas music done as jazz duets for clarinet and piano.
For general music reference or for deeper music research, you’ll want your first stop to be Oxford Music Online, which contains Grove Music Online, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, and The Oxford Companion to Music.
Happy exploring.
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Thank you!!
You’re welcome, Sarah!
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