Vote For Yoko In The Boston Music Awards!

We’re excited to announce that Yoko has been nominated in two categories for the Boston Music Awards! Now comes the important part: YOUR VOTE. Please visit the Boston Music Awards and vote for Yoko in the Jazz Artist of the Year and International Artist of the Year categories. And tell your friends. Thanks!
7 Responses
I might vote, but someone forgot to send me my copy of her new CD after she asked me to send her my address via email a long time ago. : (
Should I vote or not vote. hmmm..
My Log O’ Rhythm has ben called a “barrelhouse energy that won’t quit.”
John!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so sorry!!! Please accept my sincerest apologies! I’m overwhelmed trying to do everything myself especially now the semester has started again at Berklee. We really need a manager…and a booking agent….I just want to play music but if we don’t do the business ourselves it doesn’t get done, the problem is I’m much much better at the music side. Not that it makes you feel any better but I’ve forgotten many things in addition to your CD. I hope you’ll accept my apology and know that your CD is coming very soon. I hope I still have your vote too! 🙂
This is pretty funny. : )
I knew you forgot, I was just giving you a little “jazz” by teasing you. No apologies necessary, I wanted to jog your memory. Never felt better and I’m always in a good mood, so it wasn’t a big deal. You should have a manager and a booking agent but I understand why you probably don’t. I’m going to try and see you guys sometime over the winter, but it will be spur of the moment, pop in type of thing. No promises, but I’m trying. Some solutions I may have for you.
I already voted for you before I sent that message. I was just having a good time. If I can vote more than once let me know.
Thank you John! I mailed your CD today so let me know that you got it. Looking forward to seeing you when you pop in 🙂 -Yoko
Thank you Yoko! I’ll let you know. Looking forward to it. Good luck in D.C. on Thursday!
Noi votiamo per Yoko perchè è una pianista bravissima! Forza Yoko ce la puoi fare!!!