Help Fund The Yoko Miwa Trio’s New Album!

When you’re an independent musician, no record company tells you what kind of music to make so you’re free to follow wherever the music goes. There’s also no record company to pay for the many bills for things like recording studio time, mixing and mastering, and producing the CD. The last CD, Pathways, made it to #6 on nationwide radio charts, and we still have so much more to say. While we’re indie musicians, we know we’re not alone. We need your help to get this new Keep Talkin’ CD out!
We’d appreciate any amount you can give. Note that you can donate money even without choosing a perk:
- visit our Indiegogo page
- click the “Back It” button
- customize your donation in the “Make a contribution” section at the top
- If you’re doing it on a phone, click “Select a Perk” and scroll right to find “Make a contribution”
If you can’t donate money, you can still help out by sharing this campaign with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or by word of mouth.
For more details and to support the album, visit our Indiegogo page.
4 Responses
I would like to support the project but please note that shipping is not available to Canada. I do not know if its possible for you to change the shipping options. Thanks, Best regards, Pierre
Thanks so much for your support, Pierre! We’ve now added an option for “Autographed CD – International” that we will ship to anywhere in the world.
I think you once said that to me on this blog. Didn’t you tell me to “Keep Talking” once?
Hi John,
I think maybe you were paying me a compliment and that was my response 🙂 You can see the EPK video I made for the new album here which gives a little more insight.