Author: Admin

2020: Yoko Miwa’s Year In Review

It’s been … quite a year. Nobody could have known when this year started that 2020 would go the way it did. That we’d see the shuttering of jazz clubs, an explosion of online performances, the loss of a host of jazz legends, and so much more. Despite it all, the music kept going, shedding…
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A Note Of Thanks From Yoko Miwa

Despite the situation we’re currently in, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. First is my new manager, Laura Hess Hay Jamal, who has helped me to stay optimistic for what’s ahead and made me feel like one of her family. Then there’s Martin Hummel, the executive of my new record label…
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Go Behind The Scenes Of Yoko Miwa’s Life

Back in 2015 Yoko Miwa was interviewed by The Jazz Session host Jason Crane for a series of podcast episodes called The Yoko Miwa Show. The series follows her life from her childhood in Kobe, Japan, through her years learning piano and being introduced to jazz, and then on to her time at Berklee and…
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