Three days after the tragic events at the Boston Marathon, people came together around music and packed the house for our show at Regattabar. We are glad we could all be together that night.

Here’s a black and white shot after the show at Regattabar.

Every pianist’s favorite place to pose is at the piano, of course!

Our friends at Thelonious Monkfish named a drink after Yoko — here she is enjoying a “Yoko Miwa’s Blue Tear.”

The Trio had the privilege of kicking off JazzFest Falmouth this year, at the beautiful Highfield Hall!

Yoko had the pleasure of writing and recording the score for the Greg Travis film Midlife.

We had a very special guest making music with us at the Scullers show — singer Rebecca Parris.

Talking with fans is always one of the most heartwarming parts of a show.

Yoko was in the groove at Scullers.
4 Responses
Wonderful photos, Yoko; really enjoy your piano &
“This Could Be the Start of Something Big.”
Thank you Jerome!
I’ve enjoyed you this year at Zygomates and was PRIVILEGED to hear the group with Rebecca Parris at Scullers. For me, it was a “Top-Five” musical evening of my life. Thank you for sharing your tremendous gift and Happy New Year 2014!
Thank you Larry, your kind words warmed my heart! Happy New Year to you too and hope to see you soon.