Yoko talks about winter

Yoko talks about winter

Yoko snow

Living in Boston and enduring the long, cold winters makes me wonder
what it’s like to live in a place that’s always warm. As appealing as it
may be, I realize my behavior has some positive changes in the winter. I
compose music and practice piano more, I read more books and cook more
at home.

I used to do winter activities like skiing and ice skating, but
eventually I became less fearless and more worried about injuring my
hands. Instead, now I substitute going to the gym and running on
the elliptical machine and swimming in the indoor pool. It’s kind of
surreal floating in a warm indoor pool while looking out the window into
the frozen polar vortex.

The other special thing is our snowstorms called “Nor’easters.” It seems
to bring out a bad side of compulsive shopping combined with aggressive
driving in high traffic, but during the storm the city becomes a magical
place. It’s so quiet and peaceful — this is the only time the city is
like this. Everything looks beautiful covered in fresh snow and
everything has been canceled the next day, so even as adults we still
have the excitement of snow days!

Still I wonder what it would be like to live in a place that’s always
warm and hope to someday find out.

4 Responses

  1. John T. says:

    Not me, I wouldn’t trade the winter for the world. Every positive thing that you mentioned about the winter is why I love it so, and it is my favorite season. I lived in LA for a short time, and I absolutely hated it. Boring!!!

    You were correct when you said that the winter stimulates intellectual activity which is why it is the most magical of seasons for me. In LA, no depth, no intelligence, no substance, no true wisdom or insight. Everybody was basically brain dead worrying about their tans, their looks, their diets, tofu ( yuck) and other superficial things. I used to be “I want warm weather”, when I was a kid growing up here. Once I lived in LA, I’m thrilled to have the four seasons back. The fall, winter, and spring, nothing like it. In warm weather places like LA, it is the same old, same old every day, just bland, boring, and hot. Gets old real quick. Two things to remember “Be careful what you wish for!” and appreciate what you have when you have it!

    Nothing like the winter!

  2. Yoko Miwa says:

    Thanks for the encouragement John! I know what you mean, living in a place as cold as Boston with all the snow makes it easy to wonder what a climate like LA would be like but I would probably be bored too. I do appreciate and love what I have, just don’t like cold weather 🙂

  3. John T. says:

    I know, but cold weather passes, like everything passes. Nothing stays bad for good, the way nothing stays good for long. The key is to enjoy the things that you can, and not let the bad take up too much of your thought process. It is the “Wheel of Life” or the “Seasons of Wither” or like the “Log O’Rhythm” the “Rhythm of the Seasons”

    Hey’ look at that a new name for a musical number. 😉

  4. Yoko Miwa says:

    Nice, I’ll give you credit!

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